Get Your Dog Ready for a Busy Week

Posted by Jenny Dickinson on Dec 15, 2015 2:05:52 PM

1356638.large.jpgWhether you are bringing a baby home or celebrating holidays, there are times that you have a lot of company in and out of your house. Some you expect, some you don't. If you know such a time is coming up, help your dog be ready to stay safe and out of trouble.

Practice WAIT AT THE DOOR so he doesn't rush out when the door opens. Rehearse OFF so he doesn't jump on Grandma. If you've worked with me, your dog has learned GO TO YOUR MAT. Get back into practice with that if you haven't used it for awhile.

We don't want people going home moaning about your obnoxious dog! A little practice beforehand will go a long way.

Topics: training